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Technical details

Marine fuel is divided into two main types:

  1. Heavy fuel - fuel oil with a viscosity of 30 to 700 mm / s (Residual or Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO));
  2. Light fuel - distillates (Distillate or Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) and Marine Gas Oil (MGO)).

Currently, the shipping industry applies a single international standard - ISO 8217, which determines the qualitative composition of marine fuels. All products produced by Rosneft strictly comply with the requirements of this standard.

Table 1. Shipboard distillate fuel (international standard ISO 8217)

Shipboard distillate fuel (international standard ISO 8217)

Table 2. Marine residual fuel (International Standard ISO 8217)

Marine residual fuel (international standard ISO 8217)

International and regional environmental organizations have a significant impact on the bunker market.The leading role in this process is played by the International Maritime Organization - IMO (IMO). The most important among the IMO measures to combat pollution is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as revised in 1978 (MARPOL 73/78).

At the moment, the most important of these standards for the world bunker industry is Appendix VI MARPOL 73/78 pertaining to the control of emissions of combustion products to the atmosphere. It defines the marine basins and SECA (SOx Emission Control Areas), where the emission of sulfur oxides is strictly controlled and restrictions are set on its content in marine fuel- no more than 0,1%. All vessels passing SECA zones are obliged to burn only fuel in these zones, in which the sulfur content must not exceed 0.1%. The change in the sulfur content rate in fuel affects all types of mazut and distillates.

In accordance with the requirements of Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, Rosneft Bunker ensures compliance with the following requirements for navigation in certain sea areas.

Table 3. Limitations on sulfur content in bunker fuels (current and planned)

Limitations on sulfur content in bunker fuels (current and planned)

«Rosneft» uses its own standards in the production of marine fuels, the performance of which exceeds international requirements:

  • STO 85778267-001-2014 Ship residual fuel;
  • STO 85778267-002-2014 Ship distillate fuel.

Table 4. Ship residual fuel. Technical conditions. STO 85778267-001-2014

Ship residual fuel. Technical conditions. STO 85778267-001-2014

Table 5. Shipboard distillate fuel. Technical conditions. STO 85778267-002-2014

Shipboard distillate fuel. Technical conditions. STO 85778267-002-2014